Charts & Logs
From meal planners to blood sugar charts to calendars, these printable charts and logs will help you keep track of everything related to type 1. If you don't see what you are looking for or have an idea for another resource that would be useful, please suggest it using the contact form.
Managing type 1 diabetes can feel overwhelming, but these easy-to-use charts and logs are here to make it easier. They let you track blood sugar levels, insulin doses, and other important health details all in one place. Plus various snack and meal planners make eating your favorite foods easier than ever. These tools are designed to help you stay on top of your diabetes management, make smarter decisions, and feel more confident about your day-to-day health.
Check out the various different types of charts and logs available using the table of contents. To download one of these documents, click on the title and then from the top left hand corner of the screen choose File > Download > PDF.
Food and Meal Planning
This easy to read chart helps you keep track of what you ate throughout the day, how many carbohydrates you had, and how much you dosed.
This chart helps keep you straight when planning or dosing for meals. With plenty of space to list what you eat and designated spaces for insulin to carb ratios, remembering what you ate will no longer be a problem.
This chart, similar to the meal planner, helps you keep track of the snacks that you eat throughout the day to make sure you are not eating too many carbohydrates.
Remembering when to change your CGM or insulin pump can be difficult. This calendar can help you mark out each day in advance so you never forget again!
Remembering what ratio you are supposed to use and how much more insulin you need if your blood sugars are high is hard to do. This simple chart keeps your dosing organized when meal time comes around.
Especially if you don't use a CGM, remembering your blood sugars is no small task. Even though most meters will store them in their memory, this simple chart in large print is a much easier way to remember.
There are often several foods that you eat frequently. This chart helps you remember how many carbs your favorite foods have.

Use this to help guide you through what to do in the even that you believe someone you know with diabetes may need help. This is useful to hang up in schools or workplaces. Included are both a color and black and white version for easy printing.
Use this graphic to help ensure you rotate your injection sites and keep your skin healthy.